State Health Care Premium Reduction Act

Floor Speech

Date: June 29, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. LEE of Nevada. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the people of Nevada's Third Congressional District, I rise today to stand up for my constituents' access to healthcare and lifesaving treatments and support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act.

A constituent of mine, Mark, wrote to me recently. He is retired and on Medicare, and he is also a diabetic who requires insulin to survive. He told me that the cost of his insulin is going up 400 percent, with no warning or explanation. It is life or death for him, because he needs the insulin but can't afford it.

This moment should give us all pause. Millions are out of work; thousands are sick and dying from a global pandemic; yet lifesaving medications are still out of reach for Americans who need them.

It is unbelievable that this administration continues its campaign to take away people's healthcare. Seniors like Mark deserve better, Nevadans deserve better, and Americans deserve better.

Medication costs, rising premiums, and junk insurance plans are forcing people to choose between lifesaving treatment and paying their bills. No one in this great country should have to make that choice.

I urge my colleagues to vote for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, and give every American access to affordable health care.

